RINO Joins Dems In Demanding Trump’s Translator Testify

The Democrats have been losing their minds since the Trump-Putin summit. Going so far as to threaten to subpoena Trump’s interpreter, who was the only other person in the meeting. However, it wasn’t just the Democrats one Republican joined the party.

According to Town Hall:

Democrats in Congress demanded this week that Marina Gross, the translator in the room with President Trump and President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland on Monday, come to Washington and tell them what was discussed in the closed-door meeting. Republicans, even anti-Trump ones, are resisting the effort. When House Intelligence Democrats brought the subpoena to a vote, every Republican on the committee voted against it.

Guy BensonOne Republican, however, is siding with the Democrats in their call for Gross to at least turn over her notes. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) argued in a Senate floor speech that Trump’s rendezvous with the enemy demands that Congress see what was discussed.

“I would hope that those notes — all interpreters take notes — would be turned over,” he said. “We need to know.”

President Trump angered both Republicans and Democrats on Monday by seemingly taking Russia’s side over the U.S. intelligence community when asked if Russia had meddled in our elections.

It looks like Senator Flake, who is not running for re-election should truly join the party and convert to being a Democrat.


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