Trump Makes Big Promise To Veterans

Trump made a big-time promise during a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He is going to “fight like hell” to reform the Veterans Affairs Department.

According to The Daily Wire:

President Trump on Tuesday assured attendees at the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States National Convention that he would “fight like hell” to pass legislation to help veterans returning from war.

In his fiery speech in Kansas City, Missouri, Trump pledged big reforms are coming to the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Trump also praised his new VA Secretary Robert Wilkie saying, “he’s going to be fantastic,” as he called those who voted against his confirmation “super-lefts.”

Trump also touted the legislation that he has already signed since taking office. “Last year, I signed into the law landmark VA Accountability Act, which nobody thought we could get approved. Nobody,” he said. “We’re good at getting things approved.”

Trump has made veterans affairs a key issue of his presidency. With new VA Secretary Robert Wilkie, hopefully, major progress will be made in giving our veterans the care that they deserve.


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