PROMISE KEPT: N. Korea Returns U.S. Servicemen Killed In Korean War

Another promise has been kept by President Donald Trump. North Korea has reportedly returned the remains of some of the US soldiers who were killed during the Korean War.

According to The Daily Wire:

On Friday, 55 cases that reportedly contained the remains of U.S. servicemen killed during the Korean War were returned to Osan Air Base outside Seoul, South Korea, according to the White House.

Each case was draped with the flag of the United Nations. Late on Thursday, President Trump tweeted:


Roughly 7,700 U.S. soldiers are listed as missing from the 1950-53 Korean War; about 5,300 of the remains allegedly are still in North Korea.

The White House released a statement calling for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and expressed gratitude for the progress that was made and for the soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice for America.


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