CNN Defends Terrorist Org?

CNN has been known to take the side of anything associated with the resistance. But they decided to take it a step further and defend the actions of a domestic terrorist organization against the press and the ‘opposition’.

According to The Daily Caller:

CNN’s Chris Cuomo tried to excuse the fighting of Antifa members over the weekend by differentiating their motivations from alt-right members, on his show Monday night.

“When someone comes to call out bigots and it gets hot, even physical, are they equally as wrong as the bigot they’re fighting? I argue no. Fighting against hate matters. Now, how you fight matters, too — there’s no question about that,” Cuomo continued, “but drawing a moral equivalency between those espousing hate and those fighting because they both resort to violence emboldens hate — legitimizes hateful belief and elevates what should be stamped out.”

While Cuomo discussed the violence that transpired over the weekend, he did not mention the number Antifa members that made threats against the president.

He seems to think that fighting hate with hate is ok. It seems like both approaches are bad and should be condemned, CNN just doesn’t think so.


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