MSNBC Contributor Caught Lying About Fox News’ Mueller Coverage

MSNBC contributor and former Obama appointee Joyce Vance was recently called out for a big lie. She claimed that Fox News was not going to cover the Mueller testimony to Congress, which happens to be patently false.

According to Fox News:

MSNBC contributor Joyce Vance falsely claimed on Sunday that Fox News would not air ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s highly anticipated congressional testimony in an apparent attempt to mislead her Twitter followers.

Vance chalked it up to “irony” for hours after being confronted with her misstatement, before finally deleting the inaccurate message.

Fox News has regularly promoted its coverage of the testimony, which begins at 8 a.m. ET on July 24. But the Obama-appointed U.S. Attorney-turned-MSNBC legal contributor didn’t let the facts stop her from claiming that FNC wouldn’t air testimony in order to shield it from President Trump’s “base.”

Reporters on both sides of the political spectrum quickly shot down Vance’s misinformation, but the MSNBC contributor claimed she was simply joking. Vance spent a large portion of Sunday defending her misinformation as “sarcasm” and “irony” before quietly deleting the message hours after it went viral.


The Democrats are hoping Mueller hands them a bombshell during the testimony despite the former Special Counsel claiming that everything he has to say was contained into the report he submitted to Attorney General Bill Barr and was subsequently made public.


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