Ilhan Omar Struggles to Answer Simple Question About Defunding the Police


Democrat Representative Ilhan Omar, who represents Minneapolis, struggled to answer a simple question about defunding the police.

According to The Daily Wire:

Omar was pressed by CNN’s Jake Tapper:

“So, let’s talk about that, because you have talked about the dismantling, the need to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department,” Tapper said. “What takes its place, and — if you could just decree what takes its place? Who investigates crimes? Who arrests criminals? What happens?”

Omar, who previously referred to the police department as a “cancer,” responded, “So, Minneapolis unanimously just voted on a resolution that will engage the community on a one-year process of what happens as we go through the process of dismantling the department and starting anew.”

“A new way forward can’t be put in place if we have a department that is having a crisis of credibility, if we have a department that’s led by a chief who’s suited for racism, if we have a department that hasn’t solved homicide,” Omar continued, later adding, “And so this is our opportunity, you know, as a city, to come together, have the conversation of what public safety looks like, who enforces the most dangerous crimes that take place in our community.”

Tapper again pressed her for details on what would take the place of law enforcement, to which Omar responded, “I think that’s really where the conversation is going wrong, because no one is saying that the community is not going to be kept safe.”

Omar also said that increasing funding to police departments sounds “ludicrous” to her.


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