Democrat Rep Debbie Dingell Doesn’t Believe Biden Poll Numbers


Michigan Democrat Representative Debbie Dingell, who predicted President Trump’s win in 2016, is highly skeptical of the poll numbers showing Biden with a huge lead.

According to The Daily Wire:

During an online event for Michigan Democrats on Monday, a U.S. congresswoman who had rightly sounded the alarm about then-candidate Donald Trump’s potential of winning the state in 2016 delivered a similar message to her fellow Joe Biden supporters. The Trump Victory campaign has since responded to the event by issuing a taunting statement swiping at “hidin’ Joe Biden” and predicting success again in the longtime “blue wall” state.

“Some people say, ‘Oh, look at the numbers.’ I don’t believe these numbers,” said Dingell, who The Detroit News notes introduced herself as “Debbie Downer.”

Real Clear Politics’ average of the latest Michigan polls shows Biden leading Trump by nearly 9 points. While a recent EPIC-MRA poll shows the Democrat ahead by 16 percent, a CNBC/Change Research poll gives Biden a narrow 2-point advantage. A Fox News poll from April gave Biden an 8-point lead.

“Four years ago, many of you on this phone call thought that I was nuts,” Dingell said in reference to her warnings back in 2016 about Trump potentially taking the state. “I was in enough communities and heard enough people talking that I was very worried about the outcome of that election.”

Trump’s campaign responded by pointing to the economic success Trump ushered in prior to the lockdowns.


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