Attorney General Barr Gives Bolton Bad News About Book Proceeds

Department of Justice via Wikimedia Commons

Attorney General Bill Barr has made it clear that if John Bolton does not complete a review process to remove classified information from his book all proceeds will be forfeited to the government.

According to The Daily Wire:

Attorney General William Barr told Fox News on Sunday that if former national security adviser John Bolton does not complete the review process for removing classified information from his book before it is published, then he will “forfeit” any proceeds that he makes from the book to the government.

“I don’t think it’s too late, because what we’re asking is for him to complete the process before the book is published, complete the process of taking out classified material,” Barr responded. “And, in our view, there remains – there remains very highly classified material in the book still. And we would like him to address that. And so, under the law, we are bringing a civil action to enforce his agreement that he would do that before publishing.”

“The process is run through the National Security Council, called pre-publication review, for any book,” Barr later added. “And as that wasn’t completed, the National Security Council contacted us. So, that’s initially how the DOJ got involved.”

Barr said, “The remedy, if he doesn’t complete it, is that he forfeits any money from that book to the government.”

It remains unclear if Bolton will comply. Last week a federal judge blocked the Trump administration from stopping the publishing of the book citing that the damage had already been done since the book leaked to the internet.


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