MURDOCK: Please Make These Videos Famous



NEW YORK — A trio of recent videos powerfully commend President Donald J. Trump and his policies. Alas, they have received disappointingly few Internet views. Trump fans, Republicans, conservatives, and thinking Democrats (if any remain) should help these videos find the broadest possible audience. E-mails, social media posts, press coverage, and old-fashioned mentions in conversations all would do the trick.

With gusto, let’s execute and bury the vastly overused and now truly disturbing term “go viral.” Instead, concerned Americans should help these videos go wild.

The first video is called “Healing, Not Hatred.” This gorgeous Trump-Pence 2020 advertisement summarizes President Trump’s response to George Floyd’s killing and the subsequent protests, riots, looting, and arson.

Trump’s statement of hope and reconciliation is the exact message that the Left demanded that he offer. But when he did precisely as they insisted, they eclipsed or censored him. The president on May 30 delivered the speech that narrates this video. On that evening’s Big Three network news programs, his moving and calming words (from Cape Canaveral, Florida) earned exactly 13 seconds on ABC, five seconds on CBS, and 11 seconds on NBC.

And then, to add silence to quietude, Twitter and Instagram spiked this video, citing copyright complaints. How convenient.

Thankfully, YouTube kept “Healing, Not Hatred” in place. Alas, at this writing, it has only 728,624 views. This should be much closer to 330 million. If every American saw this video, the wheels on the “Trump Hates Blacks” bandwagon would go flat.

The second video is highly informative…and equally ugly.

This footage shows peaceful protesters throwing bricks of love and bottles of understanding at the U.S. Park Police. This was shot directly across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House, in Lafayette Park. That’s where far-Left criminals on Tuesday defaced and tried to yank down a beautiful statue of President Andrew Jackson, which was not theirs to remove in the first place.

“Let me be clear: we will not bow to anarchists,” said Interior Secretary David L. Bernhardt, who has jurisdiction over that location. “Law and order will prevail, and justice will be served.”

This video was shot in late May or early June, just as the lawful George Floyd demonstrations devolved into revolutionary violence — well before the attempted assassination of Jackson’s depiction in bronze.

It’s a shame that Interior’s press office did not place a date on this video, which is Public Relations 101. Even more puzzling: Why did these images not emerge until June 24 — as many as 27 days after they were captured?

This recording should have gone public no later than the night it was taken or the next morning.

The president and his supporters have endured nearly a month of, more or less: “Orangienführer Trump sprayed tear gas all over peaceful civil- rights activists as they prayed silently during a candlelight vigil.”

That Big Lie spawned Defense Secretary Mark Esper’s intransigence about deploying the military to restore order in Washington, D.C. under the Insurrection Act of 1807 (just as President Lyndon Baines Johnson did in 1968).

This Big Lie fueled former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ rickety article in The Atlantic attacking Trump. This Big Lie prompted multiple retired military leaders to faint like dehydrated dowagers. This Big Lie triggered an endless drumbeat of complaints that “Trump is not fit for the White House.” And Obama repeated this Big Lie about “peaceful protesters” in his virtual fundraiser with Biden just this week!

This Big Lie would not have set in if this riot footage had been released immediately. The Trump Administration, across all agencies, must be as urgent as firefighters. These days, that’s literally what they do.

So far, only 4,310 people have seen this video. That number needs to climb far higher.

On a far cheerier note, the third video, Sunrise, is beautifully shot and explains why President Trump is the best friend Israel ever has had in the White House. Anyone who still believes the Big Lie that the president is an anti-Semite should watch this demolition of that monstrous calumny.

Sunrise, sponsored by the Republican Jewish Coalition, currently has 4,270 views. Let’s call this a growth opportunity.

Please make these videos famous.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor, a contributing editor with National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor, a contributing editor with National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research.


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