America First: Trump Expected to Sign Covid Vaccine Executive Order Prioritizing Americans

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President Trump will never stop putting Americans first. The President is expected to sign an Executive Order on Tuesday during a vaccine summit being held at the White House which will ensure that Americans will be prioritized to receive the upcoming Covid-19 vaccine before the US begins distributing the vaccine to foreign nations. The move will reemphasize Trump’s “America First” approach.

The upcoming announcement comes only days before the Food and Drug Administration is set to hold a Thursday meeting to determine if Pfizer will be granted the emergency use authorization for their Covid vaccine. Many are hoping for an answer as early as Friday regarding the vaccine. The FDA is set to approve or reject Morderna’s application for emergency use on Dec. 17.

Fox News reports:

“The priority is to make sure we distribute these vaccines to Americans before we start shipping them around the world to get international access,” an official told Fox News, predicting that international assistance could come “late spring, early summer,” and after they “achieve vaccinating those who have a desire to be vaccinated.”

“We will very soon have highly effective COVID-19 vaccines to the American people,” another official told Fox News, adding that the vaccines are “critical to ensuring the health and safety of our citizens, viability of the economy and the security of our nation.”

The order will direct the secretary of Health and Human Services to prioritize distribution of the vaccines to Americans, at speeds “unseen before.”

The order will also be accompanied by a framework for international access to COVID-19 vaccines, which will provide guidelines for how USAID, HHS, the Export-Import Bank, and the U.S. International Development Finance Corp interacts with foreign countries to bring an end to the coronavirus pandemic.

The order will also outline the government’s primary approaches such as working with partners that have the financial means to procure the vaccines. The upcoming vaccines will first be distributed to frontline healthcare workers and vulnerable populations in long-term care facilities before being made available for the general public.

Will you be taking the Covid vaccine once it’s made available? Tell us why or why not in the comments below.


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