Obama Ethics Chief Slams Hunter Biden’s ‘Grifty’ Art Business, Notes Ability of Outsiders to Funnel Money to Bidens

Center for Strategic and International Studies via Flickr

Former ethics chief for President Obama, Walter Shaub slammed Hunter Biden’s recent dip into the art world calling yet another one of his business ventures dubious and “grifty.” The president’s son is selling art pieces for inflated prices to anonymous buyers, an obvious capitalization of his relationship with the president.

Fox News reports:

“Just as hotel charges and real estate purchases created a risk of unknown parties funneling money to the Trump family for potentially unsavory purposes, Hunter Biden’s grotesquely inflated art prices create a similar risk of influence-seekers funneling money to the Biden family,” Shaub said.

Shaub said he thinks that Biden and his art dealer, Georges Berges, “should disclose the identity of the purchasers” so the public can see if the buyers try to “gain access to [the] government.”

He also said that the “public should not have to take it on blind faith that government officials will behave” regardless if “any attempt to curry favor or buy influence is likely to succeed.”

“But I also think it’s ridiculous that Hunter Biden is even going forward with this sale as a first-time artist,” Shaub continued. “He can’t possibly think anyone is paying him based on the quality of the art. This smells like an attempt to cash in on a family connection to the White House.”

The former Office of Government Ethics director noted that Biden’s paintings are currently being sold for more than a Jean-Michel Basquiat painting. So far, the White House has said nothing about Hunter’s lucrative new business deals/


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