Tucker Carlson Calls Out CNN’s Don Lemon For Racial Hypocrisy, Spots ‘White Supremacist’ Symbol in His Home

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America via Wikimedia Commons

Fox News host destroyed Don Lemon’s carefully crafted facade as a constant fighter against injustice and racism, when in fact he, like other CNN personalities is just another hypocrite. During Monday’s segment of Tucker Carlson Tonight, the host noted that while Lemon is busy calling America racist he actually lives in one of the country’s whitest neighborhoods.

The hypocrisy is laughable. Recently lemon penned an essay for The Washington Post where he insisted Black and White Americans are “living in two different realities.”

Townhall reports.

But there’s also this false reality that we’re living in a post-racial world after the election of Barack Obama. That was all bulls—. It was a wake-up call to White people who thought we were living in a nonracist world. We’re living in two different realities as Black and White people. We knew, as Black people, what was lurking beneath the surface. I still believe that [Trump] was the necessary wake-up for America to realize just how racist it is.

Don Lemon lives in a $4.3 million home in Sag Harbor, New York. No, he does not live in Section 8 housing. He lives in one of the whitest towns in America. In fact, 80%. Sag Harbor is just 3% African-American. In the interview, Mr. Lemon said America needs to see more people like him. He lectures America about diversity. When he didn’t tell The Washington Post is that in his free time he runs away from diversity. His reality is that he doesn’t like diversity at all. None of them do.

Carlson went on to expose the “most troubling discovery” yet about the CNN host, a “black face cookie jar.”

“What is this, this symbol of hate posing as a cookie jar, doing in Don Lemon’s kitchen?” Carlson asked as producers showed the image. “Do you see that? That right there, ladies and gentlemen, is a white supremacist QAnon cookie jar. Now we are not calling for the Department of Justice to look more deeply into this because that’s not our place. We’re a cable news show not a law enforcement agency. But let’s put it this way, if you find yourself with a black face cookie jar in your own kitchen, it’s time to reflect. That means you, Don Lemon.”

Watch Carlson’s discovery HERE.



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