Twitter Erupts After Biden’s ATF Nominee Exposed for Alleged Racism

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On Wednesday, Joe Biden’s pick to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives — David Chipman —  was exposed in a report for alleged racist comments toward Black test-takers, saying they “must be cheating because there’s no way they could get these scores.”

After the racist comment was exposed, Chipman was annihilated on Twitter: 

Beth Baumann of the Daily Wire wrote, “A racist as the head of the ATF fits the Biden administration’s MO.” 


An Account called “The Gun Feed” wrote, “Turns out, David Chipman is a racist…”


Another account wrote, “They gonna put y’all back in chains,” a quote from Biden while he was campaigning with former President Barack H. Obama.


“He’s just being exclusive,” wrote Kurt Schlichter, the senior columnist for Townhall. He was referring to Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island who is a member of a “whites-only” club, of which the media has whitewashed as just an “exclusive” club, as reported by the Washington Post. 

Another account wrote, “Scratch a gun control advocate,  find a racist, who knew?”

“#FireChipman demand the Democrats to follow their own standards,” wrote an account called “#LetFreedomRing.”

An account called “Kyle” wrote, “Leave it to @POTUS to nominate a closet racist for a cabinet position, in this case ATF director. Though these details in the FOIA requests would only serve to enforce @SenWhitehouse‘s support for this nominee.” 

“Nathan in SoCal” wrote, “Not shocked, most gun control zealots are racists.” 

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