Former NFL Player, Iraq Veteran Launches Senate Campaign Challenge Against Sen. Boozman

The United States Senate - Office of Senator John Boozman, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Former NFL athlete and Iraq War veteran Jake Bequette just announced his challenge to Arkansas Republican Senator John Boozman.

Fox News reports:

I’m running because Washington is failing America. Part of the problem is the radical socialist leadership of the Democrats in Washington under Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and the Squad,” Bequette charged as he announced his candidacy during an interview on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends.”

And taking aim at Boozman without naming him, he argued that “also part of the problem are the career politicians in the Republican Party who simply refuse to stand up and fight for what’s right. I’m not a career politician, OK? I’m an outsider. I’m a conservative. I’m a veteran.”

In a video he released on social media, Bequette highlighted that “I’m a God-fearing Christian conservative who is 100% pro-life and pro-police and I will never apologize for being against illegal immigration.”

Bequette becomes the third Republican in the very red state of Arkansas to primary challenge Boozman, following former gubernatorial candidate Jan Morgan and pastor Heath Loftis.

However, Senator Boozman has stayed in Trump’s good graces and it will likely be difficult for Bequette or another challenger to defeat him.


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