Podcast king Joe Rogan is betting on former President Trump to make a major comeback in 2024. During an interview with Amanda Knox, on his popular podcast The Joe Rogan Experience, Rogan said Trump will “100%” run in the next presidential election.
According to The Washington Examiner:
“He’s probably going to win,” Rogan said following Knox’s comparison between former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Trump.
“How is Joe Biden going to win? How is it possible he’s going to beat anybody?” Rogan asked. “After you’ve seen him speak, after you’ve seen the decay and the decline, how is that possible? They’ve done a terrible job. The Democrats f***ed up royally by making that guy the president.”
Biden is “not very inspiring,” Knox said, but she suggested that Democrats would likely let someone else run, such as Vice President Kamala Harris .
“She would lose just as badly,” Rogan said. “She is the most hated vice president according to polls — the least liked, I should say, vice president in 50 years.”
New approval ratings on the Biden administration put Kamala Harris slightly ahead of Biden in terms of likeability, going to show exactly how bad the situation will be for Democrats looking to secure a second term in the White House.
Votes don’t count if the same machines connected to the Chinese through the internet are used to change the results, and if no paper ballots to back up are used!
All voting is done on paper ballots.
Voting machines haven’t been used in decades.
Paper ballots have been tabulated by machines for decades.
Totaling votes on paper spreadsheets is not going to happen again.
They went the way of bank checks and plane tickets. .
The Chinese helped Biden get elected with Dominion systems and the internet. The Chinese are controlling him and the U.S.
Who told you that?
How has having Biden in the White House benefited China?
Sadly, Joe Rogan you are wrong. It would be great if President Trump were to run for president in 2024, but without changes to our voting laws, issuing mail in ballots to ALL registered voters, using vote changing Dominican machines, America will again have a fraudulent election. The Democrats are experts in cheating and they are not about to give up the opportunity for America to become a one party nation. So, so sad for our nation. We have become a socialist banana republic.
I did my first mail in ballot in 1969.
I was in Vietnam.
Albert – that was actually an Absentee ballot. That is nothing like the dems mass mailing of ballots to all voters on out dated voter rolls.
Absentee ballots are always mailed out..
Where were ballots mass mailed from outdated voter rolls?
I last registered to vote over twenty years ago.
Does that mean that my voter registration is out of date?
What does outdated voter roles mean?
Some should be scrubbed if they didn’t vote in the last election?
In the last year?
Two years?
Five years?
All ballots in Washington are mailed out.
Should that be a violation of Federal law?
Would that be Federal overreach?
Big government.?
Voting policy should be decided at the municipal level.
Small government.
Trump did his very best to make us a one party nation.
Just another failure in a long list of failures.
Build the Wall
Get out of Bush’s War.
Bring a Covid-19 vaccine to market that all of America can trust.
Banana Republics have the losers running around screaming voter fraud
Albert Hess…you are the epitome of a brain dead lib. I bet 10 bucks you have NEVER been in the military let alone Nam. You’re probably a Blumenthal wannabe. Sad.
Hoi Chi Minh City 64-65.
Uniform of the day: Flip Flops
Duty assignment: Intelligence
Now tell me all about the horrors of war.
That absolutely PROVES you were never in Vietnam. In 64-65 THERE WAS NO HO CHI MIHN CITY. It was Siagon. It only was renamed HCMC when North Vietnam conquered South Vietnam 75.
The place I served is named Ho Chi Minh City.
No one still refers to New York City as Niew Amsterdam.
The winners also win the naming rights.
The concept of a separate North Vietnam and a sperate South Vietnam is Western lunacy.
Like the lunacy of a separate United States of America and a separate (but equal) Confederate States of America.
Where in ‘Nam did you serve?
Did those dirty Commie bastards change the name just to dis your service to keeping the world free from Marx?
You TrumpHumpers are so easy to troll,
Just mention a city by the name it has used for over 47 years..
One more time, when and where did you serve?
Vietnam did not conquer Vietnam.
Vietnam conquered it’s Western invaders.
The last plane out of Ho Chi Minh City..,..
Trump/Rogan 2024
I look forward to Pres. Trump once again being Americas Pres!
You are a true visionary.
How when Democrats have perfected the art of cheating
The Republicans have perfected the art of being cheated.
Strong people do get cheated.
More than once.
Well…unless the demo(n)©rats can ‘pull, something’ outta their rear-ends…of course, it’s a miracle. Y’all believe in miracles, Right❓🤣
They pulled Trump out of their rear ends.
He was crawling with MAGAots
He got them from Stormy’s Stink Star.
So you are ok with how Biden has run our country down in less than a year. Got it
No I am not ok with the way Biden has run our country.
I am ever so slightly more ok with than the way Trump ran our country.
I am
Under Trump only one man had the say.
America said no to that.
In my lifetime I have found no President to actually be OK.
Which one’s have you found to be OK?
Reagan! The best!
Trump has Reagan rolling over in his grave.
The thought of Stormy’s Stink Star.
What are the significant differences between Demonrats and Republikunts?
Your profound dissatisfaction suggests you might be happier leaving the United States, for a Country that is more to your liking?
I like the way are country is going.
Do you?
If not where is it better?
and if we should make it to the 2024 elections and IF the fraud is corrected you might just be correct. BUT as of now that really seems to be a very big IF. Too much needs to be corrected so that even the 2022 elections would have a tough time being HONEST. Hate to say this…..but as things are now the …..demos…..will win with maybe a 99 percent vote in their favor. so we would never get to a 2024 election. Dam what a mess.
The real question is why are the Republicans so weak that the Democrats just take want ever they want?
Trump had four years to put an end to voter fraud.
It only got worse.
What a sad sack.
It’s called dims CHEATING and FRAUDULENT votes, pinhead.
Smart, strong, people do not get cheated.
That is for weak Stormy Daniels Stink Star lickers.
Weak people get cheated.
Over and over and over again.
No one wants a weak leader.
Cheating. That’s how he “won” the first time.
Weak people, like weak countries, get cheated.
Weak people lick Stormy Daniel’s Stink Star.
You would surely know, Al.
I have never met Stormy.
Trump has.
I could never afford Stormy.
I would never want to.
What’s with the “Stormy” fixation, Al, you seem to mention her in every other post? Jealous?
Stormy is an excellent reminder of the kind of person who was President.
Did Trump lose the popular vote in 2016 because of voter fraud?
Only the weak get cheated.
If Americans have good sense, Pres. Trump will fill the presedency once agaim!
Frances Weingarten
[email protected]
Americans had good sense 2020.
Trump’s White House is now in Jersey
I wholeheartedly agree with Joe Rogan and look forward to Pres. Trump continuing as America’s Pres!
Trump is not America’s President.
Everyone keeps forgetting JB’s own prediction. He said “At some point I will announce I have a serious condition and will resign.” He also supported the dems proposal to remove ANYONE from office due to incompetency. I fully expect just about any day JB will fulfill his prediction.
Milley gave due consideration to removing the man who appointed him.
Trump was removed by we the people.
Just who is this Rogan jerk?
Trump has evolved into a tiresome bore.
All he can talk about is how is easy it is to rip him off.
How easy it is to disrespect him.