Biden Plunges With Hispanics by 42 Points in Only 15 Months

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In 2020 Joe Biden won nearly two-thirds of the country’s Hispanic vote but over a year into his term in the White House and Biden has already lost much of that support. A new poll by Quinnipiac reports released last week puts Biden’s approval rating among Hispanics at just 26%.

The Daily Wire reports:

“Upon entering office, had Biden at 69 percent approval, so we’re talking a 43-percentage point drop in the span of 15 months,” The Hill reported. “And just 12 percent of Hispanics ‘approve strongly’ of Biden’s performance as president, while 54 percent ‘disapprove strongly’ or ‘disapprove somewhat.’”

What’s more, the latest poll shows a nearly 10-point drop from his approval rating among Hispanics on April 6.

Biden’s approval rating was also dismal among all those surveyed. “While 33 percent of Americans approve of the way President Biden is handling his job, 54 percent disapprove with 13 percent not offering an opinion. Biden’s 33 percent job approval ties the low that he received in a Quinnipiac University poll on January 12, 2022 when his job approval rating was a negative 33 – 53 percent,” the pollsters wrote.

Hispanic voters played a major role in getting Joe Biden elected to the White House.

“Nearly a third more Hispanic voters participated in the 2020 presidential election as did in 2016, providing a boost to Democrat Joe Biden that swamped the small inroads that Republicans made in the share of the Hispanic vote,” Bloomberg reported. “New data from the U.S. Census Bureau show Hispanic voters made up 10.6% of the national electorate in 2020, an increase of 1.4 percentage points and rivaling Black voters who made up 12% to 13%. Non-Hispanic White voters comprised 71% of all voters, down from 73.3% in 2016.”


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