On Thursday, far-left U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) flipped out over the U.S. Supreme Court blocking Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) practices about “climate change.”
The Daily Wire reports:
The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that the EPA lacked the authority to curb greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and that Congress would be the governing body responsible for regulating the emissions.
“Catastrophic. A filibuster carveout is not enough,” AOC tweeted. “We need to reform or do away with the whole thing, for the sake of the planet.”
The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that the EPA lacked the authority to curb greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and that Congress would be the governing body responsible for regulating the emissions.
“Catastrophic. A filibuster carveout is not enough,” AOC tweeted. “We need to reform or do away with the whole thing, for the sake of the planet.”
Catastrophic. A filibuster carveout is not enough. We need to reform or do away with the whole thing, for the sake of the planet. https://t.co/if8PIbfs42
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 30, 2022
🤣😂🤣😂 we’re all gonna die!!!
Stupid retarded cunt whore!
This “Goofy’s” melt downs are getting a little old. I for one have stopped even listening to her, ’cause she’s Nuckin Futs!!
TOUCHE’ , THIS BAG needs to go, and three quarters of her compatriots as well, we can let pressly play the handicapped card a while yet,…. ( ummm, yeah I can play that card too) I only ask for parking in the same county at wal-marts
I think she just needs to shut up the more she talks the stupider she gets! Sorry your whole world is as fragile as Roe versus Wade LOL! Y’all really never thought it was going to go bye-bye and now that it has and y’all can’t do anything about it!
AOC, Another Obnoxious Cretin.
How about do away with AOC AND THE REST OF THAT TRIBE !!!
We don’t want your stupid new green deal! Go back to being a bartender and get out of politics!!
She Got these Ideas for a green new deal while doing “Shooters” with a bunch of drunk truck drivers and dock-workers in east NYC (track the path from hunts point to anywhere else) the Operative Phrase being “DRUNK”, And even if they were the “CHEERS” gang, “STILL DRUNKS TALKIN” “”DRUNK SMACK””
She has to be the stupidest person on the planet, she thinks since she got elected to som stupid house position that that gave her instant iq of 3 and the idea she was suddenly smart. She should be kicked out for being a stupid fool.
what the country needs is to get rid of people like her and the rest of the democratic socialist ban them from this country and send them on their way
Clearly, this person never graduated from High School……
She may have a piece of paper that says she did, but she had to have earned that on her knees…..
She knows exactly what she is doing – and that’s called HIGH TREASON………
How can one party(democrats) have so many idiots?
We need to do away with her.
Do away with AOC for the sake of humanity.
I have a better idea , let’s do away with AOC . Put her on a plane and fly her to the socialist country of her choice . Who is this bimbo to demand anything ?
Just have to shake your head in disbelief. And she’s a congressperson.
If we do away with anything it should be AOC.
She appears to be coming apart, mentally. She had no business ever being elected. That’s New Yorkers for you!
Certifiable. Best word I can think of to describe her.
Where it did this maniac come from??? She is a train wreck!!! She needs to go back
to her bar and tend to that!!! Also to even think she is president material is more than
laughable it’s discussing to say the least. If some one like her gets the keys to the
White House we are toast!!!!! She is just a loud mouth kid politician with a badge
and ego bigger than Godzilla. If she ever is allowed to take over this country…..we
are doomed!! She needs to be voted out soon!!! Come on man!!!!
I’ve just sent AOC the “Millennial’s Guide to Bartending – 2022 rev.” She’ll need it after November!
I have a better Idea,…. lets do away with liberals,…. Bimbo’s,…. and Harlots in Congress
where did this know nothing bartender garner all this political experience that she can claim the Supreme Court has to go- sorry she does not even belong there especially with her shady background
AOC is a moron so her opinion does not matter.
Better we do away with AOC
the braindead bitch has lost what little bit of thought processing she had and now a sack of rocks is smarter than her
If people are smart, probably not, they will do away with aoc. Besides being a big hot air do nothing person what has she done for her community. I have yet to hear from someone she represents statong how great she is – not.
USA’s bar girl entertainment event tops her previous stupidity.
Does that mean we have less than nine years now until the end of the world?
As aoc said “Catastrophic. A filibuster carveout is not enough. We need to reform or do away with the whole thing, for the sake of the planet.”
To put it more politically correct: “Be a minion, get in line, stay in step and vote along party lines, no deviation allowed or you are out.”
What do you expect from a Communist Cuba loving low life like her/it ?
She idolizes Castro, if it was up to her she would be executing anyone and everyone that disagrees with her demented views.
I have a much better suggestion. Instead of doing away with the Supreme Court, we need to do away with liberals. Alexandria Obviously Communist would be an excellent choice for the first one in line.
AOC can go to another country without a Supreme Court to bust on. I’m sure they will be glad to have her.
What we need to do away with are these idiots masquerading as members of congress. They obviously have no intelligence or common sense. The majority have committed high treason anyway with their Chinese spy’s that they have as assistants, and should be executed for their crimes. Once executed, send them back to their countries of origin without US citizenship.
I keep on wondering; is she crazy or just stupid, or is she really “the enemy domestic” we heard about in the oath??
AOC…her elevator does not go to the top floor!!! And apparently she is also one fry
short of a HAPPY MEAL !!!!!!! BACK TO THE BAR!!! No reasoning needed for that
What we need to do away with AOC ! Next election cycle send this airhead back to bar tending . That is if any bar would hire this moron . She has no idea what America is all about having bought into the rhetoric of communism and their political BS . Send her to Cuba or Venezuela and let her live under Communist rule . I doubt very much she will like it . Her hero “Che” died a hunted fugitive living like an animal in the jungles he tried to hide in . Maybe the Castro’s will adopt her but I doubt it .
AOC has got to be the dumbest broad ever. Truth be known she probably wasn’t qualified to be a bartender.
What a sick fing Bitch .what the hell does she know about epa or climate control. She spent adult life pouring beer in a saloon .
Be better to do away with AOC!
LOL AOC they a 3rd equal branch of the government and you cannot do away with it but we can do away with you .
A bartender telling everyone what has to be done to save the Country – please someone tell this moron to just shut up