Next week will mark one and a half years since Joe Biden became president on January 20, 2021. On July 20, every American should look within and ask: “Am I better off than I was 18 months ago?”
To Biden’s credit, the unemployment rate has fallen from 6.4% when he took office to 3.6% in June. Today’s figure is a notch higher than the 3.5% joblessness that Americans enjoyed in February 2020, thanks to President Donald J. Trump’s GOP tax cuts, deregulation, energy dominance, and other pro-growth initiatives. Tragically, one month later, COVID-19 padlocked Earth’s economy and capsized so much of the progress that Trump had achieved.
But beyond the employment situation, virtually everything else has plunged due south under Biden. Indeed, it is stunning just how deeply and swiftly Biden has sunk the USA through his meandering leadership and incompetently delivered, far-Left public policies. The latest data confirm the destruction that he and his fellow Democrats have wrought:
Inflation stood at 1.4%, year on year, in January 2021. By June 2022, that figure was 9.1%, the worst such increase in the Consumer Price Index since November 1981.
Gross domestic product grew 6.4% in 2021’s first quarter. In Q1 2022, GDP shrank 1.6%.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average was 31,188 on January 20, 2021. The Dow closed Wednesday at 30,722. Pension savings, 401Ks, and other investment portfolios have shriveled under Biden.
The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index measures short-term expectations for income, business and labor markets. This metric has slid from 92.5 in January 2021 to 66.4 last month — its lowest level since March 2013.
The National Federation of Independent Business’ Small Business Optimism Index has retreated on Biden’s watch from 95.0 to 89.5 — its weakest showing since January 2013 under the Obama-Biden Administration. NFIB observed: “Small business owners expecting better business conditions over the next six months decreased seven points to a net negative 61%, the lowest level recorded in the 48-year survey. Expectations for better conditions have worsened every month this year.”
The National Association of Realtors’ Housing Affordability Index has waned from a sanguine 187.2 in January 2021 to a worrisome 102.5 last May, as home prices and mortgage costs rose in tandem.
West Texas Intermediate crude oil traded for $53.24 per barrel as Biden took over. It sold Wednesday for $96.87 — up 82 percent.
A gallon of regular gasoline cost $2.39 as Biden arrived. It hit $5.01 before easing to $4.63 on Wednesday — up 93.7% since President Trump jetted to Mar-a-Lago.
Border Patrol agents apprehended 754,538 illegal aliens during Trump’s final 16 months in office (October 1, 2019, through January 31, 2021 — including Biden’s first 11 days). In Biden’s first full 16 months in power (February 1, 2021, through May 31, 2022), Border Patrol confronted a stunning 2,975,135 illegal aliens — up a staggering 394%.
According to Monmouth University, 42% of Americans believed the nation was on the right track in January 2021, while 51% believed the USA was on the wrong track. In July 2022, Monmouth reported, “Just 10% of Americans say the country is headed in the right direction while 88% say it is on the wrong track. This marks an all-time low for this question going back to 2013.”
All of this helps explain why the Real Clear Politics survey average clocks Biden’s job approval at 38.5%, barely ahead of Trump’s 38.0% as he left office. Siena College’s pollsters this week found Biden’s job approval at 33 percent overall and at just 62% with blacks, 32% among Hispanics, and a cataclysmic 25 percent for independents.
Biden has accomplished something extraordinary: For him to have dragged America this low, this quickly, is a real achievement, of a sort.
While Democrats scream “Racism!” “Abortion!” and “January 6!” Republicans can bury them in November by relentlessly asking voters this simple question: Are you better off now than you were two years ago?
Biden is a desperate ignorant man trying to hold onto the glory only He feels he deserves
Biden is a complete failure, the installed president is the worst.
We are 3 times worse off than18 months ago. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Inflation just hit over 8%, Gasoline is over $5 gal, and the Debt has gone through the ceilings thanks to the Democrats legislation over the past year. So yeah, we are 3 times worse off.
There are several, if not many, strategies one can pursue in order to achieve a goal. Sometimes it is easy to choose; others, it is so much more difficult. So, it comes to my mind what can we, as Americans, do to revert the massive indoctrination that our enemies have inflicted on a big portion of our Citizens and agaisnt the US of A and its Constitution.
For sure, remaining silent, and even complaisant, to the demands of our enemies, seem to have been our modus operandi. And we are now paying for it dearly: Our Union of Citizens, the most exceptional in the history of the world, is on the verge of being broken!
We have done so many things wrong that it will take a massive strategy to turn them around. We have allowed our foreign enemies to infiltrate our lands through very selfish and stupid immigration policies. We have killed over 60 million of our unborn, which today would have been our Citizens (ans so, we welcome our enemies to fill the gap). We have destroyed the ambition of improving our standard of living by work and good behavior, by feeding and accommodating lazy and dependent people that have no interest in our values or our success as a society. We have destroyed our economy by electing Congress people that do not care to destroy and bankrupt our US of A Government. We have allowed our Federal Elections to be run by our enemies, altering them as they see fit for their own gains and against We The People. We have allowed our enemies to infiltrate our educational systems and indoctrinate our children against ourselves and our values – and we pay them to do that!
I could go on, but you get the picture.
Thus, it is my recommendation to create a series of patriotic groups that would spell out each of the different areas that need our wholehearted attention, and design the specific strategies to combat these problematic issues. The groups would be totally coordinated among themselves and under the leadership of Mr. Donald J. Trump together with a small group of patriots, and with the directors of each group into a super committee. I would strongly recommend Mr. David Kupelian to the highest group.
Mario E. Porrata
Fake polls! Trump’s approval was probably more like 80% while creepy, pedo Joe is probably less than 8% at present! The fact the polls are all done in NYC skews the results!
The pain overall Biden has brought is much more intense than during the years of Barack Obuma. He made polices much more destructive in a year and a half and much quicker than Obuma did in most of his two terms.
people returning to work after the dem forced nationwide shutdown. biden did not have any hand in the employment numbers.