Republicans have an opportunity to win big this November and Democrats are doing all they can to prevent this from happening. Why? Because Republicans are already creating a list of investigations that they want to be done when they take back office.
Some of the investigations are related to Hunter Biden, Anthony Fauci, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the 2020 Summer Riots. Republicans will be able to get to the bottom of these things if they win in November. Here are the Republicans that will lead those investigations if they win big in November:
Queston! What is being done about the dummercrats sending out 90% mail in ballots as opposed to the 60% mailed out last election when they stole the election Must stop mail in ballots On recounts only the number of ballots are counted not legal ballots. They do not check if they are legal. Brace for a repeat.
Don’t want to rush life, but November can’t come soon enough. Diaper Bag and his band of incompetents need to be crippled for the remainder of his term.
Ivvestigate what crime????????
Don’t want to rush life, but November can’t come soon enough. Diaper Bag and his band of incompetents need to be crippled for the remainder of his term.
I want to see Jim Jordan as House Speaker in January. He has the backbone we need in the House Leadership Role for the fights to come when the Republicans begin their investigations and impeachment processes next year.