CNN Host Narrowly Survives the Axe

I took photo of CNN building in New York City with Canon camera. Via Wikimedia Commons.

Don Lemon has survived the broom sweeping through CNN — but the Don Lemon Tonight weekday prime-time anchor has been placed on notice, Radar has been told.

As the Chris Licht era of the ratings starved network begins to take shape, after the firing of Brian Stelter and Jeffrey Toobin, many had expected the changes to ensnare Lemon.

But Lemon has received the backing of the cable giant’s chairman and chief executive officer, we’re told. “Don has been told he’s safe,” a source told

“But, like many, he has been left under no illusions that he cannot use the airwaves of CNN to spout opinion and be a bugle of the liberal set. Don was reminded CNN is a bipartisan news network like no other. “The message was delivered loud and clear: if he wants to do liberal opinion, he should try and get a job at MSNBC.”

Keep on reading at Radar Online.

  1. The “Long and Winding Road” back to “Believability” is facing
    “Head-on” the “Talking Heads” of CNN! Only Time will tell if they can Weather the Storm and report Facts rather than Opinions

  2. Don Lemon is just another propaganda arm of the demonic demorat party! He IS Fake News and only survived because of the color of his skin! He’s just another lying pathetic front line A-hole who is an echo chamber mouthpiece for the radical socialist, Marxist Stalinist lunatics who hate America, hate our constitution – our rule of law! CNN’s ratings are in the grave! However, if the gutless repubs don’t soon go on the offense and find the courage to fight back then it won’t matter if the entire staff of CNN is fired! Our once great nation – our Republic is going over the cliff and if the gutless spineless repubs rectify matters after the mid-terms, then it won’t matter…we’ll be just another 3rd world shithole like Cuba!!!

  3. I’ll believe it when I see it. The left is to the left right down to their DNA, You can’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear.

  4. Lemonhead is NOT a journalist; he’s a propagandist! He won’t be able to change his spots! He’ll still think all non-Marxists are rubes and hicks!

  5. Don (idiot) Lemon being safe for now, only proves being a racist GAY black man is the current protected class! It worked for the Kenyan, of course it will work for him!


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