Trump Sweeps Through Tuesday Primaries

Gage Skidmore Flickr

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump swept through the Massachusetts gubernatorial primary, with former state lawmaker Geoff Diehl winning the GOP nomination for governor with the 45th President’s blessing.

While endorsing Diehl, Trump railed against current Gov. Charlie Baker as a “RINO.”

Trump wrote, “Geoff Diehl, on the other hand, is a true patriot, a believer in low energy costs and our independent energy policy.”

Diehl now faces Democrat Maura Healy in the general election. Healy hopes to become the state’s first “out lesbian governor,” according to CNN.

Diehl was the only Trump-endorsed candidate of the night, but with the win, that makes Trump’s impeccable endorsement record stand at 91% according to NPR — an incredible feat.

  1. I hope Massachusetts has taken notes from Chicago of the quality of leadership lesbian DemocRATS provide! Political activists are all they are! Don’t make the same mistake Chicago made.

  2. Great! May America continue to wake up to our fallen country and make America an honest loving country once again and no run by looters, rioters, and evil attacks.

    1. Evil attack. YOU MUST MEAN THE JANUARY 6 attack on our Capitol of the USA by crazy cult member of the tDumpism crowd. ??

      1. No I think she means the crazy dip shits who Rioted and Burned down cities all of 2020 in the name of Antifa and B.L.M.

  3. Is it better to be known as the “First Lesbian Governor of Massachusetts” or would it be better to be known as a person who can get the job done. I am tired of all these monikers of the first. Firsts don’t mean anything. A job well done and promises kept mean everything. That is how Chicago messed up. First Lesbian Mayor, First black Lesbian Mayor. Who cares what she is.

  4. “We, the people” must not let our guard down one bit, We do and all of a sudden thousands of new votes come to life even from the grave.

  5. They are trying to turn our country into a “ queer” Mecca! Trannys and fags in the highest offices in the land, thanks to the fag behind the curtain! We all know who that is don’t we? We have to stop this crap dead!


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