MSNBC Host Launches Latest Attack on Trump Voters

MSNBC’s Deadline show host made her latest attack on Trump voters. This time, she claimed that there was “rot” in white women who voted for Donald Trump. She said, “The sign of rot in white Independent women voters voting for Donald Trump and the numbers they did after he committed on tape to being enthusiastic about grabbing women in the — because he is famous and they let you, he is describing enthusiasm for sexual assault, and they voted for him anyway.”

Breitbart reports:

She continued, “J.D. Vance, who did an interview, not with me, not a mainstream journalist, where he articulates support for women staying in violent relationships and marriages, says that is better for the kids. The tragedy is that women will vote for him. Women saw to it to vote for Trump. What is the thing to wake people up from some sort of sleepwalking trance that says, ‘Well, he gets me where I want to go on life, or he gets me where I want to go on tax policy,’ and understand that the norms are held up by having people with some modicum of decency and morality.”

Wallace asked, “How do you make women voters understand that to be the case?”

Former Rep. Donna Edwards (D- MD) said, “I think this is been the great struggle, especially in this environment. Once Donald Trump got that nomination in 2016 and then went on to win the presidency, even in the face of the allegations that were coming from multiple sources over multiple kinds of behaviors regarding women, not the least of which was the “Access Hollywood” videotape. But I think there is no longer a moral bar in the Republican party, that Donald Trump essentially opened the door to candidates like Herschel Walker.”

Wallace previously bashed Trump voters with similar language, claiming they had “rot” for supporting the 45th President of the United States:

  1. Who is that MSNBC nobody? Being on that network that nobody watches, most people in this country probably don’t even know her name. Just another left winger that likes to hear the sound of her own voice.

  2. MSNBC talkng about rot? How about Biden whose brain is already rotted out and yet the morom wants to run again? MSNBC is the one rotting and immoral and indecdent. Thjey cannot even construct proper sentences to support their supposed arguement. Much less find ANY facts to support such garbage. The entire world would be a better place were MSNBC o dissappear off the face of the earth. We simply do not need journalists who are so willing to lie.

  3. Change O in rot to A and you have the perfect example of Rat faced, Rat toothed Nicole Wallace. She looks like she could eat corn through a picket fence. Kinda looks like her brother Rat faced Chuckie Todd and her mom, Rat faced Andrea Mitchell. There’s something about that network and Rats.


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