Kari Lake, a former Fox 10 Phoenix Arizona news anchor, has turned into a GOP star. Quickly Lake was able fit right in with many top Republican all-stars as she launched a political career with her nomination for governor. Before jumping into the race for Arizona’s next governor she was on the news for 22 years, giving her name recognition amongst Arizona’s voters. As she has stepped into the political spotlight she has won the Republican nomination for the governor’s seat and has even won President Trump’s endorsement. Taking the fast lane into political stardom, many are now speculating that Lake might be the pick for President Trump’s VP seat in 2024, if he chooses to run.
National Review has said that Lake knows how to communicate especially amongst press, because she was press for the entirety of her news career. This makes her a master at handling questions and publicly speaking. Which are great attributes for a VP hopeful.
National Review, like many others, are speculating that if and when she wins the Governor’s seat and Trump runs for Presidency these two could make a professional power couple.
National Review has said:
“She checks a lot of boxes as a VP pick: a “stop the steal” true-believer who, unlike Doug Mastriano and his ilk, would have demonstrated political viability; a governor from a swing state that Trump lost in 2020; a woman; a politician who has thoroughly absorbed the spirit of Trumpian politics as combat and theater; and a name that can generate big crowds.”
The match between her and the President could be what some might describe as made in heaven, if all works out as planned.
Read more on National Review.
Absolutely! She’s wise, spunky and seems to be a cut above the rest.
yes she would be a good pick for v.p.
Yes, we need intelligent, outspoken women. She would also be capable of stepping up to the top post and into the presidents shoes should problems arise.
be perfect for VP
I like Jim Jordan and Sarah Palin as possibilities along with Kari Lake!!!!!!!!!!
Kari Lake could be a great VP!
Kar Lake would be a great VP!
I like her, she is a true patriot and a fighter Trump and We the People can depend on to fight for liberty!!!!!!!!!!