White House: Republicans Are “Playing Politics” Over Biden’s Classified Docs

Following the multiple findings of Joe Biden’s classified documents from his time as Vice President, House Republicans and Republican personalities in the media have been harping on these classified documents.

It shouldn’t be a surprise why they’re harping on these documents, the Donald Trump documents that were only alleged to exist and be somewhere in his Mar-A-Lago residence were front page news and trending for weeks on end. However, in the case of Biden, Democrats in the media appear to be quickly irritated, and wish that this news story wouldn’t be a focal point – suddenly choosing to no longer understand the exaggerated seriousness they handled Donald Trump with.

Republicans need to take the free win whenever they can get it, and in this case, the Democrats already came up with the majority of their arguments for them when Trump was accused of similarly taking classified documents from the White House.

White House spokesman Ian Sams told Fox News.

“House Republicans are playing politics in a shamelessly hypocritical attempt to attack President Biden,” adding,

“House Republicans have no credibility… Their demands should be met with skepticism and they should face questions themselves about why they are politicizing this issue and admitting they actually do not care about the underlying classified material.”

When commenting on the double standard between the handling of Trump’s alleged classified document controversy in comparison to Biden’s, Sams, like all Democrats, said the same thing. Whether its Karine Jean-Pierre, media talking heads, or lawyers, they all comment on how forthcoming and honest Biden has been during the situation, as opposed to Trump. When questioned about the double standard, Sams said:

“As President Biden has said repeatedly, he takes classified information seriously, which is why he immediately directed his team to ensure the documents were sent back to the government.”

Of course, the term ‘immediately’ comes and goes throughout this situation. When the classified documents were initially discovered at the Penn Biden Center, they were not ‘immediately’ handed over, and the media was not made aware. Instead, immediate was the last thing they wanted, and the Biden administration chose to wait over two months before the media was made aware, which was done in an effort to preserve a good Midterm election season for the Democrats.

  1. When they start saying again, “Ladies and Gentlemen” at online work, then I will return, but not until then! Florida is a common sense conservative state where ah-65 most people have brains!

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  2. And the Democrats weren’t playing politics against Trump?? It’s all called “DEMOCRAT DOUBLE-STANDARD BS”!!!!

  3. Joe should be so ashamed you’d think he’d keep his yap shut. After persecuting and prosecuting Trump, you’d think they might be embarrassed by their own double standard. But, NO, they’re not bright enough for that. Numbskulls!

  4. Joey should be ashamed of several issues. We need to impeach joey. He doesn’t have Americans back. Stop sending billions to other country’s. You look stupid, joey.


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