In a recent in-depth interview, former Vice President Mike Pence conveyed his conviction that the 2016 presidential victory over Hillary Clinton was a feat achievable only by Donald Trump. Pence underscored the role of the American electorate, particularly the Republican primary voters, in choosing the most fitting candidate for that historical moment.
“I have every confidence the people of this country, and particularly Republican primary voters are going to pick the right standard bearer for this time… Nobody could have defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 other than Donald Trump. Republican primary voters knew that.”
Despite acknowledging a tense rapport with Trump, Pence emphasized that Republican primary voters identified Trump’s singular ability to triumph over Clinton. Although initially supporting Senator Ted Cruz in Iowa, Pence ultimately became a staunch supporter of Trump’s political movement. Regardless of their differences, Pence was forthcoming about his pride in both campaigning with Trump and serving alongside him for their four-year term.
“I was proud to campaign with him, I was proud to serve with him for four years… We had a falling out at the end. We still have a profound difference of opinion on what the Constitution required of me that day [Jan. 6, 2021]. I’m proud of that record, and I have every confidence that Republican primary voters are going to choose wisely once again. We’re going to have the right standard bearer.”
Further into the interview, Pence highlighted his own debating prowess and experience, subtly suggesting his qualifications for engaging in policy debates with his former superior. He warned against GOP contenders attacking Trump and instead advocated for the defense of the accomplishments of the Trump-Pence administration, pledging to protect its legacy at every opportunity. Despite Trump expressing reluctance to debate with low-polling candidates, Pence held an optimistic view about Trump’s eventual participation.
“Some of the candidates are criticizing the record of the Trump-Pence administration; I’m proud of the Trump-Pence administration. I’ll defend it everywhere I go. But it didn’t mean the president and I always agree. I know how to have a good policy debate with the president.”
Throughout the interview, Pence made a case for his own bid for the GOP nomination, emphasizing the knowledge and connections he acquired during his tenure as vice president. He drew a contrast between his approach to assembling a Cabinet, which centered on personal integrity, character, and values, and what he criticized as President Joe Biden’s “failed leadership” and deficiencies across various domains.
Overall, Pence’s statements demonstrate his endorsement of Trump’s candidacy in 2016 while recognizing their disparities and positioning himself as a formidable contender for the GOP nomination in the forthcoming election.
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