The wife of the Pulse nightclub shooter, Omar Mateen, has been arrested for obstructing justice. Per LawNewz:
The wife of mass shooter Omar Mateen has reportedly been arrested in connection to his June 12 rampage at a gay nightclub. The FBI arrested Noor Salman on an obstruction of justice charge, The New York Times reports. This California resident has been scheduled for an appearance in a San Francisco federal court. Another report from CBS news said she has also been charged with aiding and abetting.
Investigators say Mateen murdered 49 people and injured 53 at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. It’s the biggest mass murder in American history, and he even called 911 on himself. He pledged allegiance to ISIS as seen in police department transcript, though no hard links to the terrorist organization have been substantiated. He died in a gunfight with cops.
Here’s hoping that this arrest leads to intelligence agencies finding out more about Mateen’s connections to radical Islam, and that they lock her up and throw away the key.