The Man That Will Replace Obamacare

Conservative everywhere are worried that the GOP’s plan to repeal and replace Obamacare will leave us with an equally expensive, only slightly better plan. They have good reason to be. The Republicans approved trillions in new debt as part of their repeal plan. Rep. Justin Amash and other committed conservatives in the House Liberty Caucus issued this response:


The Republicans need help

Luckily, one man is doing something about it: Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has a truly conservative plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. Per Fox News:

“One of the key reforms that we will do is, we’re going to legalize the sale of inexpensive insurance,” he told CNN’s “State of the Union.” “That means getting rid of the ObamaCare mandates on what you can buy.”

Paul last week announced some of the early details of the plan on Fox News’ “Special Report” with Bret Baier.

Paul said his plan borrows from previous GOP replacement plans and appears to have consensus among congressional Republicans.

“The ideas that we’ve taken for the replacement bill come from other Republicans’ bills,” he told Fox. 

Paul said Sunday the plan also will include health saving accounts and tax credits to help customers save money.

He also suggested the plan will allow people and small businesses to create their own markets.

“There’s no reason why (a business owner) with four employees shouldn’t be able to join with hundreds and hundreds of other businesses that are small to become a large entity to get leverage to bring your prices down,” Paul said.

Republicans have a unique opportunity to show that fiscal conservatism and innovation go hand in hand; that a system that increases competition and eliminates the price fixing and market fixing with insurance companies is a thing of the past, and that there’s a brighter way forward. Don’t let them blow it with an Obamacare replacement in name only. 

Do you stand with Rand?


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