They Signed a Never Trump Pledge. Guess What They’re Doing Now?

Apparently many of the people who signed “Never Trump” letters didn’t really mean it and are trying to take it back. Now, some of America’s biggest political insiders are whining because they’re being frozen out.

 Well, this is awkward. As the Washington Post notes:

Among those who signed at least one of the letters are Tom Ridge and Michael Chertoff, the first two secretaries of the Department of Homeland Security; two former U.S. trade ambassadors, Carla Hills and Robert Zoellick; two former heads of U.S. intelligence agencies, John Negroponte and retired Air Force Gen. Michael V. Hayden; a former ambassador to NATO; and several former deputy secretaries of various U.S. government agencies.

Not everyone who signed the letters wants a job, and some remain vocal critics of Trump. But many stand ready to serve or offer guidance if asked.

The letters were explicit in their denunciations of Trump’s professed support for torture of terrorism suspects, his pledge to build a wall along the border with Mexico, his anti-Muslim rhetoric and his admiration for Russian President Vladi­mir Putin.

The letters also attacked Trump’s character and temperament, asserting that he “lacks self-control and acts impetuously,” has demonstrated “erratic behavior” and is “fundamentally dishonest.”

This is unsurprising. Donald Trump won in large part because the American people believed the political establishment to be shamelessly self-interested. Now, here they are, lining up to beg for work from a man they once called mentally unbalanced. Good for Trump for shutting them out. 

Word out of Washington is that if you stand by the shores of the Potomac late at night, you can hear the world’s tiniest violin playing the saddest song. 


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