Trump Announces His Plan to Drain the Swamp

Two top Republicans working with President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team told reporters in a phone call Wednesday evening that they’re taking steps toward one of Trump’s campaign promises — to “drain the swamp” in Washington.

Trump communications director Jason Miller and Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer announced anyone being vetted for a high post in the administration must provide a termination of lobbying form if they are a registered lobbyist.

In addition, when officials leave the government, they will be banned from being a lobbyist for five years as part of the agreement to serve in Trump’s administration. The ban will apply lifetime to representing foreign governments, he added Thursday.

“Not only will people not be able to (be) registered state or federal lobbyists, but when they leave government, they will be banned from being a registered lobbyist for five years,” Spicer said Wednesday.


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