If President-elect Donald Trump wants to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court with a justice like the late Antonin Scalia, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz would “fill the bill,” Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday, making the suggestion even though the two fiery senators have had major disagreements over the years.
“Because you disagree with somebody doesn’t mean you take your disagreements to the point that you can’t recognize reality,” the South Carolina Republican told CNN Thursday. “Nobody can tell me Ted Cruz is not a constitutionally gifted, talented lawyer, because he is.”
Graham admitted he’s been “at times” one of Cruz’ worst critics, but insisted Thursday that “We do have areas of agreement.”
Earlier this year, after he’d dropped his own bid for the GOP nomination, Graham stunned reporters by commenting his party had gone “bats–t crazy,” and saying that Cruz was so disliked, “if you kill Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial is at the Senate, no one will convict you.”