Guess Who Trump Supporters are Blaming for the Failure to Replace Obamacare

A handful of Trump supporters are publicly lamenting Obamacare repeal falling flat, but it’s not President Donald Trump they’re mad at.

Republicans first attempt to “repeal and replace” Obamacare met a dramatic end Friday afternoon, when Trump and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan announced the bill would not go up for a vote, solidifying Obamacare, once again, as the law of the land.

The announcement marked a decisive end to a contentious, but otherwise action packed week on Capitol Hill, which tested both the new administration’s and Republican leadership’s ability to drive major legislation through Congress and court wayward members.

Trump voters are blaming conservatives, moderates, and Democrats for Friday’s failure. The president is alone in that he is the only one escaping the blame, Reuters reports. “I blame the Democrats and Republicans in Congress. They are a bunch of bastards. I’m just fed up,” 82-year-old Jeanette Madison told reporters.

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