Intruder Tries to Break In to White House

Another intruder tried to break into the White House. As WTOP reports:

The Secret Service must be feeling a profound sense of deja vu.

A woman who had tried to jump the White House fence but got tripped up by her shoelaces last week, and was arrested days later for violating a “Stay Away” order, was busted yet again early Sunday by Secret Service officers.

Officials confirmed to WTOP by email that it was the same woman who had been arrested twice before.

In an official statement, the presidential security force said the woman, who was not identified, triggered an alarm at approximately 2:15 a.m. at the southeast corner of the Treasury Building adjacent to 15th Street Northwest.

This is the third time that the woman, Marci Wahl, has tried to enter the White House. We hope she gets the help she needs. 



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