The Left Attacks Trump’s Chief Of Staff, In A Classless Way

Liberals attacked White House Chief of Staff and retired Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly after he explained President Donald Trump’s phone calls with the families of fallen soldiers at Thursday’s White House press briefing.

Kelly gave his remarks after Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson (Fla.) reported details of the president’s conversation with Sgt. La David Johnson’s family, one of the Army Special Forces who was killed in Niger earlier this month. Wilson criticized the president’s phone call, saying Trump is a liar and covering something up.

The retired general, whose son was killed seven years ago in Afghanistan, defended Trump’s phone call and called out Wilson for politicizing the situation.

“It stuns me that a member of Congress would have listened in on that conversation — absolutely stuns me,” Kelly said. “And we were stunned — stunned that she’d done it. Even for someone that is that empty a barrel, we were stunned.”


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