Pressure Mounting Against Crooked Hillary

Hillary Clinton’s massive money-laundering scandal has not been widely publicized by the national media. However, recently state level media has been picking up this awful case of abuse of power and influence. 

According to the New Boston Post:

A federal lawsuit by a pro-Trump politico claims that 33 state Democratic Party committees illegally laundered donations totaling $84 million that ultimately ended up in accounts that directly benefited Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for president.

Donations that on paper were supposed to benefit state Democratic committees actually ended up in large measure being passed through to the Democratic National Committee, which used it to try to get Clinton elected, according to Dan Backer, a lawyer for the Committee to Defend the President.

One example:  About $2.4 million raised by the Hillary Victory Fund, a joint fund-raising political action committee, went to the Maine Democratic Party “and then almost immediately” to the Democratic National Committee, according to the Bangor Daily News.

Defenders of the arrangement say it’s not illegal and that state Democratic Party committees benefited by getting to keep a portion of the money raised by the Hillary Victory Fund.

Maybe this pressure will force the FEC to act against the Clinton organization. The $84 million laundered is nothing to turn a blind eye to. The American people deserve more.


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