Sports Stars Who Challenged Trump And Lost

President Trump made news this week when he disinvited the winner of the Super Bowl, the Philadelphia Eagles, from the traditional White House event. The media played it up as a sort of embarrassment and publicized the Democrat Mayor of Philadelphia’s comments blasting him for the decision. Time will tell, but this usually ends badly for the athlete that takes the president on; those 1,000 people who were invited to the White House had to celebrate America instead of their teams win, and probably have a different impression of the sport than they did a week ago.
Because they apparently need a reminder, we are going to show you some of the athletes who have tangled President Trump. They get some extra spotlight for a while, but somehow, it comes back to bite them, and the president is better for it. Number 5 is the poster child for why it’s a bad idea for athletes to disrespect President Trump.


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