Maxine’s Latest Insane Claim

Maxine Waters is at it again. This time making an insane claim about President Trump while speaking in California over the weekend.

According to The Daily Caller:

Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters claimed that President Trump doesn’t know the name of his own wife in a recent speech.

San Francisco Chronicle reports that Waters told the California Democratic Party’s women’s caucus, “He’s over there supposedly meeting on NATO. He doesn’t know a darn thing about it.”

“He doesn’t even understand what GDP is. As a matter of fact, he doesn’t even know how to spell his own wife’s name,” she said.

This remark was in reference to Trump once tweeting “Melanie” when he meant to say “Melania,” a mistake that occurred due to a simple mobile phone spell-correction.

This level of hatred for the president is concerning. Democrat leaders should step up to help calm her down.



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