MURDOCK: Hunter Biden Runs His Mouth Again

Center for Strategic and International Studies via Flickr

NEW YORK — If Hunter Biden screamed the N-word in a forest, would he make a sound?

If the son of the President of the United States were surrounded by cameras and microphones from the dinosaur media, the answer would be another N-word: No. The only audio broadcast would be leaves rustling in the breeze.

Conservative, alternative news sources, naturally, would cover this event. And the bifurcation of America along media lines would continue, full speed ahead.

Tuesday’s Daily Mail published text messages between Hunter Biden and George Mesires, his attorney. These exchanges appeared on Hunter’s laptop from Hell. He repeatedly uses a version of the N-word in his back-and-forth with his lawyer.

On December 18, 2018, Hunter texted Mesires: “how much money do I owe you. Becaause [sic] ni*** you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.” defines “Hennessey rates” as follows: “When gangster thugs charge someone exorbitant rates so they can bathe their bitches in Hennessy.” Here, again, Hunter uses a term that springs from rap music and ghetto culture. None dare call this cultural appropriation.

The next month, Hunter and his lawyer texted away — complete with non-sequiturs, poor stylistic choices, spelling errors, grammatical atrocities, and references to Hunter’s genitalia.

Mesires: “There are ideals of unconditional love that serve as proxies. I don’t have many. You. God,”

Hunter: “OMG nigga did you just a fictional character from the imagination of the collective frightened and my dead brothers unconditional love is what I should rely on and my kids aren’t children George.”

Mesires: “My parents love was conditioned.”

Hunter: “My penis as of late has been un conditional.”

Mesires: “That’s why we are searching.”

Hunter: “For my pen**.”

Mesires: “And we will always be searching.”

Hunter: “Its big penis George. They always find it. And I only love you because you’re black.”

Mesires: “It’s so annoying when you interject with frivolity.”

Hunter: “True dat nigga. But I’m done my rant.”

It would be one thing if Hunter had texted a close, old friend who happened to be black, and they had engaged in ethnic humor and jocular, man-to-man banter.

To be fair, Hunter used the term “ni**a.” Like it or not, for better or worse, this remains a term of endearment among many black folks. The popular expression “Ni**a, please!” is blackly analogous to “Don’t be silly, pal!” or “Come on, man. What the hell are you talking about?”

In contrast, “Nigger” is extremely ugly, harsh, and never a good thing. Too often, its utterance foreshadows violence — or worse.

So, if Hunter used “Nigga” with a dear, black friend, who laughed and then called him, “Whitey.” That would be one thing. Prudent? No. The end of the world? No.

But for two white guys to speak to each other this way is bizarre and inappropriate, to say the least.

As mentioned above, Biden also told his white friend: “I only love you because you’re black.”


The Wokistanis insist around the clock that math is racist, evergreen trees are racist, sheet music is racist, and even apple pie is racist. Everything is racist!

Well, if that’s true, isn’t it racist for Hunter Biden to drop the N-word into his texts with a white friend? If so, where are the Wokistanis now? Shouldn’t they be interrupting today’s TV shows a special message from the Emergency Alert System?

The Left frequently decries racist “dog whistles,” e.g. calling for “law and order” is an anti-black racist dog whistle, as if black people loved lawlessness and disorder. Well, then, Hunter’s use of the N-word is not a dog whistle. It’s an entire Rottweiler.

Just imagine for a moment that Eric Trump or Don, Jr. used this kind of language. Black Lives Matter would have clogged America’s streets with rioters, ANTIFA would be igniting police cars, and House Democrats would be trying to impeach President Donald J. Trump’s son — never mind that the Constitution allows no such thing.

Instead…total silence. And that is no exaggeration.

“I scanned through the closed captioning on our DVR system and, going back 48 hours, there are multiple references to Hunter and N-word on FNC, FBN, OAN, and Newsmax,” my old friend Brent Baker, the Media Research Center’s Vice President for Research and Publications, told me Wednesday. “Nothing on any other channel. Nothing on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC.”

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Another N-word springs to mind: Nauseating.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor, a contributing editor with National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor, a contributing editor with National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research.


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