President Biden is slowly yet surely filling federal appointments with staunch liberals to further push his progressive agenda. President Biden appointed professed Critical Race Theory supporter, Precious McKesson, to the Department of Education.
The Daily Wire reports:
After Nebraska Board of Regents board member Jim Pillen introduced a resolution to bar CRT from the University of Nebraska education system, McKesson co-authored an August op-ed in which it stated:
Pillen and other Republicans, including Gov. Pete Ricketts, have made CRT a political boogeyman without actually knowing what it is. Simply put, CRT examines social, cultural and legal issues as they relate to race and racism. Students would be taught about the systemic racism that still exists today and permeates our society.
Further, CRT is a 40-year-old academic framework, so one has to wonder why the Republican Party is now trying to frame all educational experiences that discuss diversity and equity with a negative partisan lens. From our collective experiences, the only answer is to create a wedge between white communities and communities of color, making us the villain rather than having Nebraskans see us as their neighbors and co-workers.
… Ricketts and Pillen are also trying to dictate how a person can attain knowledge, information and engage in intellectual activity, which violates more than academic freedom. It is a direct assault upon the sovereignty of one’s soul, mind and body.
The new DOE appointee also cast the only vote for President Biden Nebraska’s five electoral college ballots in 2020.
crt is pure unfiltered bullsh…t
To say CRT is Bullshit is being polite. It is absolutely a divisive plan by that IDIOT Biden (not my president) to further divide the country based on race and whatever the stupid Democrats think will work to further their agenda!
Biden is a-hoie
Also a damned traitor commie laden bo shadow support for totalitarian dictator !
She conveniently ignores the “wedge” created by systemic ignorance, crime, immorality, drug addiction, alcoholism, and black racism inherent in nearly all black “communities.” As usual with narrow focused leftists, context is removed to suit the false narrative.
Steve Sylvia
The fact is every thing you mentioned her are not exclusively the Black community it is in every poor community, and when you hold blacks to minimum wage jobs that is the contributing factor. Fact 2 90% of persons in prisons are actually low educated from poor households. It was not until the 1960s that black persons had near equal education and in majority black communities, every study shows that blacks are still not getting the education that whites get in upper scale areas.
Minimum wage jobs are low skilled uneducated that created their own destiny ! Anyone is at low wage that did not prepare for prosperous life, not just blacks !
The oportunity is there if they take it. If not, then well, there it is. I know I was rejected on job applications because I was not a minority race on at least 2 occasions. They told me so. One in LA County and One in San Bernardino County. FACT!!
“Precious “????? Hardly!!! Like JB, she is a FU!
Bidens administration is the worst government in history were do they find these Socialist , Racist, Hateful people that Hate America so much thank God next year we True Americans can Vote these people out of office and get our Country back before they totally Destroy it.
The biggest job whoever we get to replace Biden will have will be to fire each and every one of Biden’s appointees, if that is even possible. He knows that the country is run by the hidden bureaucrats of the deep state. Although the next pres can get rid of the political oppointees, virtually no one can get rid of those they hire under civil service and union rules.
We won’t last till next year ppl will die under this ruling
Only a poor student of history would buy this crap. It totally ignores the prior 5,000 years of slavery commonly practiced everywhere in the known world. And it fails to recognize that the United States did not exist during the century and a half following 1619. It fails to celebrate attempts to abolish colonization and create a new nation.
It fails to celebrate the War of 1812-15 that finally ended King George’s domination. It failed to celebrate the following 45 years of improved freedoms and prosperity. And it besmirched the results of the Civil War in which hundreds of thousands of Americans died to end slavery once and for all. Historians move slowly but I believe eventually, they’ll make this awful lie a footnote to real facts of those eras.
I’m always shocked at how frightened of privatization most of America is. However, our IIC (imbecile-In-Chief) has dampened that fear by weaponizing the FBI against parents. Large numbers of teachers have threatened to include it in their lesson plans regardless of what parents or ordinary taxpayers want. They seem unconcerned that our public system has collapsed intellectually.
Teachers say breaking away is impossible but education is legally and logically a private matter as Quisha King reminded a Florida School Board. The central problem is acceptance of government control which obviously is waning. The primary problem with the K-12 segment is it’s a monopoly in a nation where monopoly is considered a criminal enterprise for everyone else.
Another major flaw is taxpayers, with no children in public schools, have no voice in where and how their money is spent. These people make up a vast majority but the government chooses for them. School taxes are blended with property taxes and often are forgotten because they’re mandatory whether or not they have school-aged children.
Public teaching has been fundamentally transformed into an enormous entitlement. Political corruption is a byproduct and easy loans have created colossal private debt. Free enterprise education eliminates the ability to trample one civil right by supporting an opposing civil right.
School choice is defined neither by teacher nor the union. We need a robust free market able to deliver general subjects as well as specialties including athletics and arts. It’s a bad idea for any government to educate its children but government schools should be allowed to compete.
Hidenbiden’s war on our kids,we need to end this immediately. and remove this senile,frail,old sockpuppet fool for total incompetency.
Obama is in charge.
Correct. And all those here who blame Biden for being “progressive,” left-wing, incompetent are wrong. Biden doesn’t know he is alive. He has no ideology. He believes in nothing except money. Candidate Obama said in 2008 that he wanted to “fundamentally change this country” because he fundamentally hates this country, just like soulmates Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan because whites do not have a monopoly on being racists. Obama and soulmates are black racists who hate America for that and because America supports the “evil” Jews in Israel. Obama’s first phone call as president, when the country was suffering its worst economic crisis since the 30s, was not to some economic expert for advice but to Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Muslim terror cult Fatah “parent company” of the Palestinian Authority.
CRT: Critical Race Therapy for Dems, massage Race Hate, See So Africa used CRT
Precious was the name of the dog owned by the wacko serial killer in “The Silence of the Lambs”. Need I say more.
All for him and an socialist agenda for a one world rule. Not for the ppl of the United States.
And we are just sitting by watching it all unfold. It’s past time ppl
Do people really think this is coincidence? Time to rise up. This shit has to stop now
I know that those Southern Conservatives and Western Conservatives do not want the actual truthful facts put in the education, which will show how horrible those Conservatives have been to other than White since this Constitution was written, no one wants their dirty laundry out in public.
CRT is what Socialism, and Nazism is all about! Americans never read and only listen to the liberal news!
Once again folks; Biden is not making any decisions. All Biden is doing is doing is what his Socialist and Communist handlers are telling him to do. Biden has never in his political career made decisions other than those who own him tell him to make. Hateful Socialist billionaires such as George Soros and Communist China are pulling every string that causes Biden to react. It is doubtful that Joe Biden is even aware of the outcome of the things he is putting his name to.
The biden stench of treason is also racist prejudice that cannot be tolerated in U.S.A.’s. Government ! Fire biden & allhis commie apoointed dem asses and prosecute them for treason in a U.S. Military court ! Dereliction of duty with aiding & abetting U.S.enemies !
CRT will be the downfall of this country if it is not STOPPED. It is Marxist and communism that is the start of a country surrendering to DICTATORSHIP and surrender of their freedoms and rights. “LIVE FREE OR DIE AS SLAVES TO THE ELITE” It is your choice to live standing up for your freedoms and rights or die on your knees kissing the governments ass.
I am reading a lot of hate here in these comments. It is sad!
CRT is only an issue in a very intellectual debate in post graduate studies. It seems that there are many scared, hateful, and bigoted people here!
joe do you have kids? do you pay taxes? have you worked your whole life to pay those taxes?
So it’s ok for the U.S. Attorney general to teach his child a dishonest way of life and parents are supposed to allow their children to be taught by them?
Ideologies have no place in curriculum.
History is one thing, it teaches truth.
Political agendas promote one- sided lies
So it’s ok for the U.S. Attorney general to teach his child a dishonest way of life and parents are supposed to allow their children to be taught by them?
Ideologies have no place in curriculum.
History is one thing, it teaches truth.
Political agendas promote one-sided lies.