Woke Filmmaker Proposes Major Change to the Constitution

By KAZ Vorpal (Flickr: Declaration of Independence, with Firearm) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Radical filmmaker Michael Moore proposed a new amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would repeal and replace the Second Amendment.

The activist laid out a detailed description of what his proposed 28th Amendment would mean for gun rights in the U.S.

The Daily Wire reports:

“The inalienable right of a free people to be kept safe from gun violence and the fear thereof must not be infringed and shall be protected by the Congress and the States. This Amendment thus repeals and replaces the Second Amendment,” Section 1 of Moore’s proposed amendment read.

Section 2 outlined the restrictions that would be imposed for the few situations in which legal firearms could be acquired: a national registry and licensing program that would allow firearms to be used for hunting, target shooting, and — in very limited cases where people could demonstrate a legitimate need — self defense. Section 2 also proposed an extensive background check, including a mental health check and interviews with partners and exes — and a mandatory one-month waiting period.

Section 3 called for a written test and a firearm safety course — which would be required on an annual basis — and Section 4 raised the minimum purchase age to 25.

In Section 5, Moore called to repeal firearms, including some which have not yet been invented. Moore’s amendment also demanded Congress regulate the types and amounts of ammunition that would be legal for purchase along with gun storage and armor.

Police officers, according to Section 7, would be allowed to continue to train and use firearms but would be subject to constant monitoring and stripped of their firearms — and their jobs — if they were found to be racist or violent at any time.

The final section instructed that anyone who already owned a prohibited firearm would have one month from its ratification to turn in the weapon to be destroyed.

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