Trump Wins in Hospital Price Transparency Fight

A U.S. Federal Judge has ruled against a challenge to President Trump’s rule forcing hospitals to disclose the prices they have negotiated with insurers.

According to Fox News:

President Trump touted a “big victory” after a federal judge rejected the American Hospital Association’s challenge to a Trump administration rule forcing them to disclose prices negotiated with insurers.

“BIG VICTORY for patients – Federal court UPHOLDS hospital price transparency,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. “Patients deserve to know the price of care BEFORE they enter the hospital. Because of my action, they will. This may very well be bigger than healthcare itself. Congratulations America!”

Judge Carl Nichols, a Trump appointee, granted the administration’s motion for summary judgment on Tuesday, meaning it did not go to trial. The AHA said it will appeal.

“We are disappointed in today’s decision in favor of the administration’s flawed proposal to mandate disclosure of privately negotiated rates,” the AHA said in a statement. “It also imposes significant burdens on hospitals at a time when resources are stretched thin and need to be devoted to patient care. Hospitals and health systems have consistently supported efforts to provide patients with information about the costs of their medical care. This is not the right way to achieve this important goal.”

Several free-market groups filed amicus briefs in support of the Trump administration pointing to the price gouging that they say is rampant in the medical industry.


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